

Latitude 38° 22’ N Longitude 26° 8’ E

Max Draft 7.5        Time Zone GMT +2

WorldScale No

The port of Chios (Khios) is located on Chios Island in the Aegean Sea.


General overview

Chios is the principle port for Nisos Khios and comprises an outer anchorage and an artificial harbor for the ferries and small general cargo vessels. Chios Power Station has an oil berth nearby.

Traffic figures: Aprrox 104,500t of cargos, 2,830 vessels and 502,500 passengers handled annually.

Load line zone: Summer.

Max size: Draught 7.5m.



Outer anchorage: The anchorage off Chios extends from 0.5nm S to 2nm N the harbor entrance. For a distance of approx 4nm N of the harbor entrance, the coast is fringed by a narrow bank, but the bottom falls away steeply and at the distance of approx 0.3nm from the shore the depths are considerable. The recommended anchorage is approx 1nm NE of the citadel, in depths of 22.0-33m, mud. It is possible to anchor nearer the harbor, but here the bottom consists of soft mud and the holding is not so good.

A submarine outfall pipe marked at its extremity by a litghbuoy (special) extends approx 1,000m NE from a position 1.25nm S of the harbor entrance.

Tidal range flow: Range approx 0.3m.

Dock density: 1025.

Charts: BA 1625. Admiralty Pilot NP48, NP286 (3).